
A specialised nostalgia music & visual service providing reminiscence music therapy for the aged.

Donations and Bequests. Thanks to your donations and bequests, Silver Memories can continue to change the lives of those living in aged care and those living with dementia. With your support, we can continue to provide this unique service.

Donations and Bequests. Thanks to your donations and bequests, Silver Memories can continue to change the lives of those living in aged care and those living with dementia. With your support, we can continue to provide this unique service.



Your donation will help:

If you would like to support Silver Memories and help change lives of those living with dementia, please contact us on 07 3847 1717 or email info@silvermemories.com.au



You may like to consider leaving a gift to Silver Memories in your will. The information below is a useful guide to help you navigate this matter. If you would like further information, please phone Gary Thorpe, Silver Memories General Manager on 07 3847 1717.

All bequests are appreciated equally. There are several options for bequests:

1. Specific Gift: This specifies an amount of money or property or some other asset.

2. Percentage or Fractional Bequest: This specifies that a percentage or fraction of the total value of your estate be willed to Silver Memories.

3. Residual Bequest: This wills to Silver Memories the remainder of your estate after all expenses have been met and all other beneficiaries have received their inheritances.

4. Whole Estate: This wills the value of your entire estate to Silver Memories.

You should consult your solicitor or professional advisor. However, we recommend the following wording:

“I bequeath to the Music Broadcasting Society of Queensland Ltd (Silver Memories), ABN 39 009 992 554 of 384 Old Cleveland Road, Coorparoo, Queensland 4151, for its general purposes (the whole) or (a specific amount or gift) or (a percentage) or (the residue) of my estate free of all duties for which a receipt from the Honorary Secretary or General Manager or other authorised person shall be a full discharge to my executor.”

Yes, you may, but it is preferred that you delegate this responsibility to the Board of Directors, who are all dedicated volunteers and are aware of the station’s needs and priorities which can change with the passage of time.

An amendment, known as a codicil, can be made easily by your solicitor for a small fee.