
When is it time to transition your loved ones into support living

https://silvermemories.com.au/benefits/Taking care of your elderly loved ones is one of the most rewarding, but also hardest jobs, you will ever go through in your adult life. Change can be difficult, and this is especially true when it involves transitioning your loved ones into support living. While the need to provide them with adequate and personalized care is your top priority, it’s equally as important to identify when it may be time to make the transition to a senior care facility. Read on to learn when it’s time to consider assisted living for your loved one, and how you can help ensure a more peaceful transition for everyone.

1. Significant changes in their physical health 

One of the first signs that it may be time to consider nursing home care for your loved one is when significant changes are observed in their physical health. As your aging loved one’s caregiver, you are well in-tune with their physical health. This means that you will probably be able to see any alterations that would prevent them from going about their daily lives. This might include:

  • Inability to perform basic hygiene tasks such as bathing, grooming, and dressing.
  • Difficulty with mobility like getting around the house, or with balance and walking.
  • Frequent falls which make living at home dangerous 

If safety has become a concern, then it’s time to consider the move. While they might be resistant to the change at first, it’s important to remind them that their independence will increase when living in a nursing home. 

2. Their mental health is declining 

Changes in your loved one’s mental health may also be an indicator that the time has come to consider moving them into support living. 

Mental health changes are more difficult to identify, but there are some common symptoms you can look out for. For example, their eating habits could have changed and you notice they’ve lost a significant amount of weight. They could have trouble sleeping, or they no longer take care of themselves the way they used to. Their memory has also started to decline, and they have trouble remembering things like appointments, directions, or what time the store closes. 

Aging can be a very isolating part of life and this can be tough on mental health. The right nursing homes provide plenty of activities for people to keep enjoying life, like social gatherings, physical activities, and much more. 

3. Home care is not working out 

Caring for an aging loved one is an extremely time-consuming task, especially if you’re juggling a family and a full-time job on top. Don’t fault yourself if the responsibility of caregiving has become too burdensome. 

As a caregiver, it can be difficult just to find enough time to care for your loved one, and so you let your own needs fall to the wayside. But staying healthy is one of the best things you can do to provide the support your loved one needs, so moving them to an assisted living home may be the healthiest choice for both of you.

How do you prepare your loved one for assisted living?

Now that you’ve made the hard decision to move your loved one to a nursing home, it’s time to approach the subject with them. This can be a tough conversation to have, but it is important to be honest and upfront. 

One way to make the conversation easier is by referring to your loved one’s new home as a “new place that can help us take care of each other.” Reassure them that they will always have the freedom of an independent life and that you are committed to making a move for the both of you, not just for yourself. 

Explain the benefits and peace of mind that assistance with daily living and at-home care will offer them. Highlight the fact that assisted living allows seniors to forgo daily chores and hassles so they can focus on things they actually want to do, like taking up new hobbies. 

Above all, give it time to sink in. Give your loved one time to reflect on their current situation, and how their health may change in the coming years. This is a serious decision that requires careful thought and time to process! 

Even when you know it’s the right choice, moving a loved one comes with a range of emotions. If you find yourself having doubts or worries, that’s normal. Any major life transition can bring both joy and sadness. We hope these tips will help you with your decision to transition your loved ones to assisted living. 
